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Ray Tracer


In computer graphics, ray tracing is a rendering technique for generating an image by tracing the path of light as pixels in an image plane and simulating the effects of its encounters with virtual objects. The technique is capable of producing a high degree of visual realism, more so than typical scanline rendering methods, but at a greater computational cost. This makes ray tracing best suited for applications where taking a relatively long time to render can be tolerated, such as in still computer-generated images, and film and television visual effects (VFX), but more poorly suited to real-time applications such as video games, where speed is critical in rendering each frame. (Wikipedia: Ray Tracing)


This project is used to understand and realize:

- the basic elements in Computer Graphics,

- the Phong Illumination Model,

- the method of texture mapping,

- the Fresnel Effects, 

- the specular reflection.


The developing process of the project has been divided into two parts: first, I have created a lot of basic classes. These classes are used for measuring the ray and creating objects with different properties. Second, based on the parameters of rays and the properties of objects, I successfully implement the Phong Illumination Model and the texture; the Fresnel and specular reflection are more sophisticated, I am still working on them.

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