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Smart Air Purifier


Zephyr Air is a low-cost, smart air purifier that automatically turns on when the particulate matter sensor inside detects highly concentrated levels of P.M. 2.5 and P.M.10. Users of this product will no longer have to guess when it is necessary to turn the machine on and which power setting to use; these functions will be automated for optimal air quality. 


Natural hazards and everyday pollutants. More people live with poor indoor air quality than ever before. Yet, the price of air purifiers remains high. The 2020 wildfire season highlighted this need. Most currently available models listed on Consumer Reports fall within a price range of $200 to $900 in addition to needing costly filter replacements.


- Automatically fan speed controlling. 

- Monitoring filter consumption status with machine learning. 

- Records and visualizes the indoor air quality (IAQ). 

- Night mode. 

- Low cost. 

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